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🎃 Horror Stories to Share at Stand-Up

HyperDigest October 2023 Episode II

🧛 Greetings, ghouls and goblins! Halloween is creeping up on us. In this bone-chilling edition, we're brewing up a cauldron of treats for all our fellow subscribers. From spotting red flags in future employers to helping you navigate jump scares in films, it’s packed with all kinds of knowledge treats.

Abandon all hope and enter here!

📈 Job Market

10 Red Flags to Watch Out for in a Job Interview

Job interviews are a two-way process — you're interviewing your potential boss and employer as much as they're interviewing you. Nobody wants to end up working for a crazy difficult person. Here are 10 red flags to watch out for when discussing your future employment.

Jobs in tech you might want to avoid

Working in tech can sometimes lead to a substantial paycheck or a piece of a young company's ownership pie. However, it's not all excitement and glamour. There’s a fair chance to land a job which might end up eating you up instead of filling you with a purpose. Here's a subjective list of some of the worst entry-level jobs in the industry.

🖥️ Useful Tutorials

How to Deal with an Insufferable Code Reviewer

How do you manage peer code reviews and challenging colleagues? Are there any tricks to foster effective collaboration without losing your cool when dealing with an insufferable code reviewer? We've all experienced those moments when we need to introspect and align with our goals. What's bothering you precisely, and what's the desired outcome?

How to Write Bad Code: The Definitive Guide

Mark Twain once said: 'Show me a person who formats their code consistently and properly, and I'll show you someone who's trying to compensate for their lack of ability.' This article extensively explains what you need to do to make your code unreadable, so nobody can make any sense out of your body of work.

🧟 Boo! They are back!

We resurrected our most complex problems in the history of Hyperskill.

You will only have time from October 27 to November 3 to challenge yourself.

After that, access to these problems will disappear, possibly forever.

Grab the list of the problems if you are not afraid!

📺 Spooky GitHub projects

Skip Jump Scares on Netflix

We appreciate good, haunting, and intimidating horror. However, the majority of recent scary movies rely on jump scares way too much for our taste. So, if you want to tickle your nerves without a cheap trick, use this nifty project. Skip, mute, get a warning when jump scares are about to happen, view all the jump scare timestamps, and much more.


For those of you who enjoy working with devices and crafting something both tech-savvy and spooky, enjoy a Raspberry Pi project that controls a jack-o-lantern via a servo motor and PIR motion sensors to simulate it 'watching' you. Add some tech decorations to your home.

🤖 Awesome guides

How to Start a Software Project: A Guide for Junior Devs

Starting a project can be a differentiator between experienced seniors and eager juniors. While some decisions can be postponed, and certain aspects can be easily modified without adverse effects, there are elements that become more costly to alter later. Check out this post to learn where to begin and which aspects are best to get right from the outset.

Say Goodbye to Blurry Images with srcimg

Have you ever suffered from pixelated images or images located insufferably wrong? The problem may simply be a lack of a full understanding of how 'srcimg' works. Well, it's time to fix that. Read this guide to one of the common HTML tags and perfect your image game.

💎 Tips of the week

7 Most Common Types of Errors and How to Avoid Them

If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. Sometimes we just need a reminder of what can go wrong. This is one of those times - refresh your memory and avoid those mistakes again.

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